Friday, October 24, 2008

my senior quoteeee.

Laughter is the closest distance between two people.
-Victor Borge

Sunday, October 19, 2008

warm american pie.

-god and the universe.
+god is in control of the universe but god is gone now.
+the universe was created by god.
-humanity and identity.
+the nature of the human being is sinful yet seeking out the little good..which is the music.
+we are dual.
+we do not have much control my friend. god was in control but now hes caught the last train outta here and is goneee. "and the three men i admire most; the father, son, and the holy ghost, they caught the last train for the coast"
+what happens now is left up to chance.
-conflict and suffering.
+the music is dead.
+we looked to music to save us.
+our savior is gone.
-hope and redemption.
+the music was our answer.
+we looked to the music to save us.."can music save your mortal soul"
-values and relationships.
+music is good. satan is bad.
+value the music and fear the day the music dies.
-truth and reality.
+the music is dead and their is no hope.
+the music cannot save us.
"but the man said the music wouldn't play"

the song american pie is secular humanist indeed. it shows how god is gone and music is our new savior. once the music dies we have no way to be saved.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

mmm tasty secular humanism.

What i am about to say will sadly contradict my previous views on the wizard of oz but so be it. As of today the worldview of woz is secular humanism. Dorthy and her friends emarked on a journey to to find the wizard so he could grant their requests. They were searching for a god-like figure, the wizard, which clearly points out their world view is not cosmic humanism because they do not consider themselves gods. Also if everything and everyone was god, then why did they not mourn the death of the wicked witch of the west..huh huh huhhh? Exactly. Once reaching oz the wizard failed at helping Dorthy and the others with their desires but ultimately they found the truth within themselves and Dorthy returned home, the tin man had a heart, the scarecrow found his brain and the lion discovered his courage with a capital C.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

worldviews and all that good stufffff.

When searching for the worldview of a text you must be familiar with various different worldviews. Only being educated in your own worldview gives you a biast outlook on other perspectives. If you hace an understanding of a variety of worldviews it will help you better understand the concepts within the text. Also you should know the worldview of the author. Researching background information helps to know the author better and know what they meant throughout the text.

Postmodernism is the underlying worldview presented in the Wizard of Oz. Throughout the movie Dorthy and her friends are trying to reach the Wizard who is equivalent to being a god in their eyes. The Wizard turns out to just be a mere man but they had made him up to be a great god. The postmodern view claims there is no reality which is portrayed when Dorthy clicks her heals and says, "there is no place like home,"-click click- "there is no place like home." She awakes back in Kansas and is uncertain of whether her adventure in search of Oz was real or not.